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This category has the following 15 subcategories, out of 15 total.
Media in category "Migrants"
The following 150 files are in this category, out of 150 total.
(6) Migrants.jpg 4,000 × 2,160; 5.84 MB
20180428BannerWeAreHere.jpg 5,436 × 3,624; 12.13 MB
Affiche Anarkismo.jpg 2,252 × 1,500; 1.47 MB
13001350ALBANIANMIGRATIONSel.png 519 × 591; 388 KB
Albanians as a migrant Dacian people.png 1,584 × 1,140; 455 KB
Aláírásgyűjtés a betelepítési kvóta ellen - Nereidák kútja, 2015.11.18.JPG 4,320 × 3,240; 5.53 MB
Aláírásgyűjtés a betelepítési kvóta ellen - Nyugati tér, 2015.11.26 (1).JPG 4,320 × 3,240; 5.42 MB
Aláírásgyűjtés a betelepítési kvóta ellen - Nyugati tér, 2015.11.26 (2).JPG 4,320 × 3,240; 5.61 MB
Amélioration de la situation à la frontière tuniso-libyenne (5610363034).jpg 1,024 × 576; 92 KB
ArizonaGaspumpLange1937.jpg 494 × 370; 83 KB
Hans Baluschek Auswanderer.jpg 2,357 × 3,000; 1.65 MB
Beijing school classroom.jpg 2,496 × 1,664; 693 KB
Bible School, Glendale, Arizona (7403081878).jpg 363 × 336; 23 KB
British migrants 01 Georgic, Australia, 1949 (colorized).jpg 1,316 × 971; 1.09 MB
British migrants 01 Georgic, Australia, 1949 (cropped).jpg 1,316 × 971; 450 KB
British migrants 01 Georgic, Australia, 1949.jpg 1,345 × 1,000; 403 KB
Buste Eduardo Casey.JPG 1,200 × 1,600; 242 KB
Camp children Buckeye AZ (9078258215).jpg 448 × 310; 28 KB
Capacitación sobre ayuda y vinculación universitaria de a migrantes.jpg 6,000 × 4,000; 6.4 MB
Children of migrant cotton field workers from Sweetwater, Oklahoma, 8b15324.jpg 14,750 × 11,398; 41.01 MB
Children of migrant cotton field workers from Sweetwater, Oklahoma, 8b15324.tif 15,920 × 12,692; 385.54 MB
Chinatown Liverpool 20041231.jpg 1,760 × 1,168; 321 KB
Christmas Bundles, Grants, New Mexico, 1954 (7510377452).jpg 353 × 336; 16 KB
Clément Cabanettes - Pigüé.JPG 1,200 × 1,600; 632 KB
Cortège complet Journée Internationale des Migrants à Paris le 18 décembre 2016.webm 1 min 20 s, 853 × 480; 14.54 MB
Crew List for the Ship 'Tory' (9527041316).jpg 4,351 × 5,550; 1.38 MB
Dongba school kids running.jpg 2,106 × 1,257; 702 KB
Douglas Murray.ogv 19 min 58 s, 1,920 × 1,080; 664.5 MB
ECDM 20180827 DailyMap migration crisis CEW.pdf 1,754 × 1,239; 636 KB
ECDM 20220216 DM Europe migration.pdf 1,754 × 1,239; 987 KB
El inicio de la ayuda.jpg 960 × 1,280; 231 KB
Emigrazione italiano per regione 1876-1915.svg 1,200 × 645; 376 KB
Emigrazione.jpg 276 × 223; 16 KB
Entrega de alimentos a personas migrantes.jpg 4,608 × 3,456; 3.37 MB
Evelyn Weldy telling the Easter story (7403081924).jpg 344 × 336; 20 KB
Evelyn Weldy, Grants New Mexico (7510378196).jpg 345 × 336; 18 KB
Four berth cabin on unknown migrant ship (8402848461).jpg 3,077 × 2,517; 1.29 MB
FRANCISCO-GARDUÑO1.jpg 600 × 400; 55 KB
Girls club, Grants New Mexico (7510378140).jpg 352 × 336; 19 KB
Graduación de la Maestría en Derecho en Estudios Legales Internacionales.jpg 677 × 1,024; 114 KB
Grants, New Mexico (7510377334).jpg 357 × 336; 24 KB
Grave of Chinese immigrants, Père-Lachaise cemetery, Paris.jpg 1,600 × 1,200; 449 KB
Group of migrants at the Bathurst Migrant Centre, 1949 (8400334899).jpg 1,110 × 814; 177 KB
Immigrating from China into California.wav 51 s; 4.29 MB
Inmigracion-argentina.JPG 1,580 × 1,151; 157 KB
International Refugee Organization Camp at Lesum, Germany (8412989870) (cropped).jpg 2,869 × 2,316; 1.84 MB
International Refugee Organization Camp at Lesum, Germany (8412989870).jpg 3,099 × 2,556; 1.93 MB
Berlin IslamischerFriedhof 01.jpg 1,843 × 1,382; 1.53 MB
Berlin IslamischerFriedhof 38.jpg 1,770 × 1,725; 507 KB
Italian emigration per region 1876-1915.svg 1,200 × 645; 376 KB
Italienische Emigration pro Region 1876-1915.svg 1,200 × 645; 374 KB
Jungle Books library.jpg 4,000 × 3,000; 2.63 MB
Kath Illustratie 1894 Landverhuizers, naar de tekening van G.W.jpg 2,459 × 3,272; 3.25 MB
Keith Martin Mrs Arnold Buckeye AZ (9034216457).jpg 448 × 325; 56 KB
Kindergarten Stanfield AZ (9404198690).jpg 422 × 336; 29 KB
Kindergarten, Grants, New Mexico (7509890354).jpg 448 × 295; 26 KB
Lieder des Ghetto 15.jpg 2,384 × 3,296; 5.72 MB
Ligia Bolívar Osuna. Retrato de 2024 (cropped).jpg 2,268 × 2,835; 2.31 MB
Ligia Bolívar Osuna. Retrato de 2024.jpg 2,268 × 4,032; 3.5 MB
Ligia Bolívar Osuna.jpg 2,268 × 4,032; 4.54 MB
Lithuanian migrant lying on grass (8400354979).jpg 729 × 648; 204 KB
Logo d'AMG.png 783 × 411; 50 KB
Logo Nexus.png 500 × 500; 38 KB
Los Gatos Canyon Plane Crash Victims Burial Site.jpg 1,179 × 1,612; 963 KB
Marathon Man.jpg 1,970 × 4,160; 1.9 MB
Mariana Berumen en OAS.jpg 1,024 × 768; 129 KB
Michel Moskovtchenko 10.jpg 632 × 1,220; 154 KB
Michel Moskovtchenko 11.jpg 562 × 746; 187 KB
Migrant camp children Stanfield AZ (9315923472).jpg 336 × 426; 25 KB
Migrant camp in front of Louvre museum.jpg 2,112 × 2,816; 2.37 MB
Migrant children, Peoria AZ (9717363831).jpg 336 × 355; 22 KB
Migrant group in VS home Stanfield AZ (9404198646).jpg 448 × 324; 27 KB
Migrantas plakaten piktogramme gr.jpg 2,187 × 1,653; 2.48 MB
Migrante sobre tolva de tren Rumbo a Ciudad de México.jpg 4,608 × 3,072; 4 MB
Migranti arrivati in Europa via terra o via mare.png 592 × 543; 53 KB
Migranti morti o dispersi nel mediterraneo.png 609 × 568; 84 KB
Migrants (1).jpg 3,376 × 1,872; 3.54 MB
Migrants (10).jpg 4,000 × 2,160; 7.14 MB
Migrants (11).jpg 4,000 × 2,160; 5.88 MB
Migrants (12).jpg 4,000 × 2,160; 6.77 MB
Migrants (13).jpg 4,000 × 2,160; 5.29 MB
Migrants (14).jpg 4,000 × 2,160; 6.14 MB
Migrants (15).jpg 4,000 × 2,160; 6.48 MB
Migrants (16).jpg 4,000 × 2,160; 6.77 MB
Migrants (2).jpg 4,000 × 2,160; 2.47 MB
Migrants (3).jpg 11,811 × 8,268; 27.43 MB
Migrants (4).jpg 3,724 × 2,095; 6.26 MB
Migrants (5).jpg 3,824 × 2,096; 6.06 MB
Migrants (6).jpg 4,000 × 2,160; 4.06 MB
Migrants (7).jpg 3,840 × 2,160; 5.42 MB
Migrants (8).jpg 3,840 × 2,160; 5.16 MB
Migrants (9).jpg 4,000 × 2,160; 6.37 MB
Migrants poster.jpg 15,000 × 21,000; 44.65 MB
MIGRANTS.jpg 11,811 × 8,268; 35.12 MB
Migrants.jpg 3,070 × 1,794; 2.89 MB
Migrantss.jpg 3,352 × 1,812; 3.25 MB
MigrantWorkerHousingDoorCountyWisconsin.jpg 1,936 × 1,288; 787 KB
Grave of Serbian exile, Père-Lachaise cemetery, Paris.jpg 1,600 × 1,200; 443 KB
Miniature photograph of Lily Knapton (8401475412).jpg 270 × 360; 77 KB
Monumento al migrante desconocido, Ernst Kraft, 2021 - Instalación,Tijuana, México.jpg 4,000 × 2,992; 2.41 MB
Nave Diciotti nel porto industriale di Crotone.jpg 3,840 × 2,160; 923 KB
No vote - Flickr - Al Jazeera English.jpg 3,872 × 2,592; 1.88 MB
Nordichouse.JPG 1,200 × 900; 338 KB
Nordiclamb.JPG 1,200 × 900; 350 KB
Nurse with patient, Stanfield, AZ (9468259712).jpg 318 × 448; 22 KB
Paola Nadine Cortez Calzada.jpg 1,156 × 867; 173 KB
Passenger ship, possibly MS SKAUBRYN, berthed at a wharf (8400394605).jpg 2,229 × 1,653; 664 KB
Phoenix Migrant Camp (7403081978).jpg 396 × 336; 20 KB
Plane waiting to transport migrants to Woomera (8404112306).jpg 1,760 × 1,165; 425 KB
Profesora en la Universidad Iberoamericana Campus Torreón.jpg 768 × 1,024; 92 KB
Programa-RADAR.png 2,354 × 1,375; 123 KB
RAAF crew and migrants preparing to fly to Woomera (8404122216).jpg 1,702 × 1,183; 448 KB
Rassemblement "Non à la dérive des foyers Coallia" à Paris le 26 mai 2016.webm 1 min 26 s, 853 × 480; 12.47 MB
Representando a México en la CIM de la OAS 2015.jpg 1,024 × 768; 61 KB
Retrato de una voz humanitaria.jpg 1,200 × 1,600; 254 KB
Os emigrantes.jpg 396 × 350; 31 KB
Running-Fluent Initiative cover photo.png 1,640 × 924; 3.1 MB
Russianmuseum.JPG 1,200 × 900; 284 KB
Steve Artley editorial cartoon "La hogar de Los Valientes" (Home of the Brave).jpg 1,200 × 1,040; 259 KB
Story hour at camps, Grants, New Mexico (7509890102).jpg 448 × 296; 21 KB
Summer Bible School, Grants New Mexico (7510377214).jpg 350 × 336; 21 KB
Surprise, Arizona (7509893436).jpg 448 × 292; 34 KB
Talking with migrants from Libya at a transit camp in Tunisia (5505950908).jpg 3,054 × 2,036; 981 KB
Teens in migrant camp Stanfield AZ (9400914433).jpg 432 × 336; 29 KB
Ukranianhouseinside.JPG 1,200 × 900; 260 KB
Visa processing.png 1,076 × 757; 1.26 MB
Visiting public library Buckeye AZ (9080484698).jpg 448 × 313; 26 KB
Visiting states for visa procedures.png 1,161 × 696; 1.06 MB
White Powered editorial cartoon by Steve Artley.jpg 2,400 × 2,080; 1.06 MB
Émigration italienne par région 1876-1915.svg 1,200 × 645; 376 KB
Émigration italienne par régions 1876-1915.jpg 1,100 × 701; 183 KB
ČovekNaPutu.pdf 902 × 1,381, 51 pages; 25.57 MB
Покос травки октябрь 2017+.jpg 3,072 × 2,304; 3.03 MB
Покос травы в середине сентября (МКАД, Москва) 2.jpg 2,304 × 3,072; 3.85 MB
Покос травы в середине сентября (МКАД, Москва).jpg 3,072 × 2,304; 3.83 MB
Покос травы гастарбайтерами в сентябре 2017г (около МКАД) 1.jpg 3,072 × 2,304; 5.14 MB