Fredrick Nzwili
Fredrick Nzwili is a journalist based in Nairobi, Kenya. For more than 15 years, he has written about religion, politics, peace and conflict, development, security, environment and wildlife. His articles have appeared in international media organizations among others; The Tablet, The Christian Science Monitor, The National Geographic and Kenyan local newspapers; The Standard and the People Daily.
All Stories by Fredrick Nzwili

As Ivory Coast Methodists depart UMC over LGBTQ+ issues, Africa’s other Methodists take stock
By Fredrick Nzwili — June 7, 2024
NAIROBI, Kenya (RNS) — ‘You don’t throw away the relationship of your sibling because you do not agree on an issue,’ said a former bishop in the autonomous Methodist Church in Kenya.
Church leaders in Kenya give qualified support for plan to close orphanages
By Fredrick Nzwili — April 25, 2024
NAIROBI, Kenya (RNS) — Amid a growing push to reunite orphans with extended family rather than keep children in residential homes, Kenyan authorities are set to adopt a new program that will phase out traditional orphanages over the next decade.
Kenya court sentences priest convicted of abuse to preach on sexual crimes
By Fredrick Nzwili — April 5, 2024
NAIROBI, Kenya (RNS) — The sentence requiring a priest to preach monthly about the country’s sexual crimes law has ignited a debate about whether courts should be able to dictate the contents of a sermon.
Nine years after Pope Francis’ Laudato Si’, Muslims launch a counterpart
By Fredrick Nzwili — March 5, 2024
NAIROBI, Kenya (RNS) — The document was drafted by scholars and members of leading Islamic organizations assembled by the United Nations Environmental Program’s Faith for Earth Coalition.
After Tanzania bus accident kills 11 of its missionaries, group reaches out for support
By Fredrick Nzwili — February 28, 2024
NAIROBI, Kenya (RNS) — Leaders of Youth With a Mission are rallying for help to aid logistical arrangements, including medical evacuations, repatriations and funeral arrangements.
After a boom in west Africa, LDS church finds increasing acceptance in the east
By Fredrick Nzwili — February 20, 2024
NAIROBI, Kenya (RNS) — Once shunned as cultic and anti-Christian, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints has converted not only thousands of Africans, but has come to collaborate with Africa’s historic denominations, and even with Muslims.
Kenyan court rules pastor accused of starving his congregation is mentally fit for trial
By Fredrick Nzwili — February 6, 2024
NAIROBI, Kenya (RNS) — The taxi driver-turned-charismatic preacher faces multiple charges, including murder and terrorism, after being accused of convincing members of his church — some say ‘cult’ — to pray and fast until death, with the goal of meeting Jesus.
Africa’s six Anglican women bishops meet and issue call to combat Africa’s ‘triple threat’
By Fredrick Nzwili — January 19, 2024
NAIROBI, Kenya (RNS) — The weeklong gathering outside Kenya's capital was the first time the six had met as bishops. 'We have never had time to meet just to pray, to know each other and fellowship,' said one of the prelates.
Leading African ecumenical group elects first female president
By Fredrick Nzwili — November 30, 2023
NAIROBI, Kenya (RNS) — The Rev. Lydia Chituku Neshangwe, a Presbyterian minister, became the first woman to lead the ecumenical All Africa Conference of Churches.
In Kenya, married ex-priests follow Vatican synod’s discussion of clerical celibacy
By Fredrick Nzwili — October 25, 2023
(RNS) — Former Catholic priests are hoping the prelates gathered for the Synod on Synodality at the Vatican will do away with the ban on marriage for clergy, allowing them to reunite with the church.
African churches urge US Congress to reauthorize PEPFAR
By Fredrick Nzwili — September 18, 2023
NAIROBI, Kenya (RNS) — The leaders are writing in response to a letter sent to Congress in June by religious groups and legislators asserting that the funds for the program were financing family planning and reproductive health programs, including abortion.

At African climate summit, faith leaders join demands for climate justice
By Fredrick Nzwili — September 6, 2023
NAIROBI, Kenya (RNS) — ‘Matters of climate change cannot be politicized, reduced to economies,’ said a Lutheran priest, but instead should be ‘treated as a matter of life and death.’
Kenya closes churches over ‘starvation massacre’ that has killed 427
By Fredrick Nzwili — August 21, 2023
NAIROBI, Kenya (RNS) — While deploring the mass starvation of members of Good News International Ministries in Malindi, officials of established churches are resisting calls for more regulation of religious groups.
After troubled decade, Kenya Methodists elect new presiding bishop
By Fredrick Nzwili — July 21, 2023
NAIROBI, Kenya (RNS) — Methodists in Kenya hope the new leader can breathe new life into the church following the bitter wrangles under former Presiding Bishop Joseph Ntombura's leadership.
Catholic bishops in South Sudan call for reexamination of ‘flawed’ peace pact
By Fredrick Nzwili — July 5, 2023
NAIROBI, Kenya (RNS) — The bishops claim the pact that ended the country’s 2013-2018 civil war has allowed political leaders to extend their power at the expense of ordinary people.
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