Yonat Shimron

Yonat Shimron is an RNS National Reporter and Senior Editor.

All Stories by Yonat Shimron

Lawsuits challenging abortion bans on religious freedom grounds falter

By Yonat Shimron — July 3, 2024
(RNS) — Advocates argue the legal strategy that abortion bans violate religious freedom are not yet dead. In both the Missouri and Kentucky cases, appeals are planned.

Presbyterian Church (USA) votes to divest from Israel bonds

By Yonat Shimron — July 1, 2024
(RNS) — On Monday, the denomination also passed a resolution denouncing Christian Zionism.

Harvard task forces find discrimination and harassment against Jews, Muslims

By Yonat Shimron — June 27, 2024
(RNS) — Their preliminary recommendations include more anti-harassment training and a high-profile series of talks that model respectful disagreement.

Majority of American Jews support Biden in two polls

By Yonat Shimron — June 26, 2024
(RNS) — The polls are in keeping with decadeslong patterns in which American Jewish voters lean overwhelmingly toward the Democratic Party.

Diminished in size, Bosnian Jews hold fast to their identity

By Yonat Shimron — June 12, 2024
SARAJEVO, Bosnia (RNS) — On Shavuot, a holiday that commemorates the revelation of the Torah, about 18 regulars trickled in to the city’s one remaining synagogue.

With strawberries and goats, a ‘farmastery’ reaches out to its neighbors

By Yonat Shimron — May 30, 2024
HILLSBOROUGH, N.C. (RNS) — Part of the new monastic movement began three decades ago among lay Protestants, Spring Forest is a model for how Christians can work, eat and worship as a community.

These three anti-Zionists were just ordained as rabbis

By Yonat Shimron — May 24, 2024
(RNS) — The Reconstructionist Rabbinical College still defines itself as Zionist and is committed to Israel's existence and its right to self defense. But it is also open to other perspectives.

A new book argues most white US Christians worship a religion of whiteness

By Yonat Shimron — May 21, 2024
(RNS) — Michael Emerson and Glenn Bracey depict a Christianity that worships a white Jesus and a set of sacred symbols, including the flag, the cross and, increasingly, guns.

He won a Pulitzer for his book on the Israeli occupation. Then came the cancellations.

By Yonat Shimron — May 16, 2024
(RNS) — When the Pulitzers were announced on May 6, Nathan Thrall had to contend again with cancellations from venue organizers too skittish to feature a writer on a combustible subject.

1,200 Jewish professors call on Senate to reject controversial antisemitism definition

By Yonat Shimron — May 14, 2024
(RNS) — The professors say the antisemitism bill's main thrust is to silence criticism of Israel.

Controversial antisemitism bills are passing, and not only in the US House

By Yonat Shimron — May 8, 2024
RALEIGH, N.C. (RNS) — A North Carolina bill known as the Shalom Act is similar to the Antisemitism Awareness Act that passed the U.S. House of Representatives last week.

After vote to repeal LGBTQ bans, many gay Methodists are now fully out

By Yonat Shimron — May 6, 2024
DURHAM, N.C. (RNS) — On the first Sunday after the conclusion of the denomination’s General Conference, many queer United Methodists celebrated their release from the tight and narrow spaces that had confined them.

With a final flourish, United Methodist conference eliminates all anti-LGBTQ policies

By Yonat Shimron — May 3, 2024
CHARLOTTE, North Carolina (RNS) — The reversals came in the wake of a schism that saw the departure of a quarter of its US churches — more than 7,600 congregations — over the past five years. 

United Methodists redefine marriage, end official condemnation of homosexuality

By Yonat Shimron — May 2, 2024
CHARLOTTE, N.C. (RNS) — A condemnation of homosexuality that has riven the denomination for 52 years was eliminated from the United Methodist Church’s rule book.

United Methodists strike down ban on ordination of gay clergy

By Yonat Shimron — May 1, 2024
CHARLOTTE, N.C. (RNS) — With a simple vote call and without debate, delegates to the General Conference removed the ban on the ordination of ‘self-avowed practicing homosexuals’ — a prohibition that dates to 1984.
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