Signs of the Times

Attacking Pope Francis, anonymous cardinal seeks to curb the influence of his papacy

By Thomas Reese — March 12, 2024
(RNS) — Demos II is a fraud who mourns a church of the past and his own loss of power in it.

Pope Francis needs to reform papal election process — carefully

By Thomas Reese — March 5, 2024
(RNS) — The process for choosing a pope is not divinely inspired. It is a human creation that has changed over time and can change again..

The Catholic Church needs married priests now

By Thomas Reese — February 26, 2024
(RNS) — At the Last Supper, Jesus said, 'Do this in memory of me.' He did not say, 'Be celibate.'

Bipartisanship is dead; can it be resurrected?

By Thomas Reese — February 20, 2024
(RNS) — Partisanship is baked into our political system because of gerrymandering, primaries and campaign financing.

Fasting from carbon for Lent

By Thomas Reese — February 12, 2024
(RNS) — It is an act of penance for what we in the rich world have done, and it is a prayer for help in avoiding catastrophe.

The Synod on Synodality called for better liturgy. Will anyone listen?

By Thomas Reese — February 6, 2024
(RNS) — If the church is to have a Eucharistic revival, its liturgical texts should promote active participation by all people.

The Catholic Church needs to play a positive role in this year’s election

By Thomas Reese — January 30, 2024
(RNS) — The Catholic partisan divide provides an opportunity for the church to model proper civic behavior.

Jonah is a prophet for today

By Thomas Reese — January 22, 2024
(RNS) — God sending Jonah to Nineveh would be like telling a modern-day rabbi to preach in Iran or Gaza.

Capitalizing on his teachings on sex, Pope Francis’ critics shame themselves

By Thomas Reese — January 16, 2024
(RNS) — Jesus didn’t spend his time obsessing over people’s sex lives.

Let the synodal consultations continue

By Thomas Reese — January 8, 2024
(RNS) — Diocesan consultations for the October 2024 session of the synod must be completed by April 8.

Let’s hold a conclave on Capitol Hill

By Thomas Reese — January 3, 2024
(RNS) — Instead of forcing Congress to do nothing, a conclave would force members of Congress to do their job.

The Vatican financial trial is finally over. What did we learn?

By Thomas Reese — December 19, 2023
(RNS) — The good news is the financial scandals became public and were not covered up by the Vatican as was the practice in the past.

In Advent God comforts us so we can comfort others

By Thomas Reese — December 13, 2023
(RNS) — God does not comfort us so we can simply be comfortable. God comforts us so we can comfort others.

When can the pope fire a bishop?

By Thomas Reese — December 5, 2023
(RNS) — It depends on whether the bishop is serving a diocese or filling another role.

In a world where Christ is king, authoritarian leaders can only be antichrists

By Thomas Reese — November 27, 2023
(RNS) — Today's anti-democratic leaders are promising to deliver justice by any means necessary.
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