Just Catholic

An accused priest, his art and the Vatican

By Phyllis Zagano — June 27, 2024
(RNS) — Removing his art would not show 'closeness' to his victims, said one Vatican official.

The rise of the Catholic bully

By Phyllis Zagano — May 22, 2024
More from Just Catholic

The politics of this Easter season

By Phyllis Zagano — March 22, 2024
(RNS) — The Christian celebration of new life comes as the world is flooded with ideas of death.

Trump’s language of evil

By Phyllis Zagano — February 16, 2024
(RNS) — A manner of speaking is infesting our politics that is insulting to both the subject and the listener.

To bless or not to bless?

By Phyllis Zagano — January 23, 2024
(RNS) — Rome's move to allow LGBTQ couples to be blessed has been misunderstood by many, and misrepresented by others.

Inconvenient truths at Christmastime

By Phyllis Zagano — December 15, 2023
(RNS) — It seems civility has left the planet.

‘Excuse me, Your Eminence, she has not finished speaking’

By Phyllis Zagano — November 15, 2023
(RNS) — Francis’ opening to women in church management is promising. Getting women into the sacristy is trickier.

There’s the synod. And then there’s the dream of synodality.

By Phyllis Zagano — October 24, 2023
(RNS) — The back-and-forth is dizzying, and it will not end soon.

The secret synod

By Phyllis Zagano — September 27, 2023
(RNS) — Too many U.S. Catholics don’t know about the global discussion of the church’s future.

What does ‘respect life’ really mean?

By Phyllis Zagano — August 22, 2023
(RNS) — There is an angry selectivity when it comes to life issues.

At the Catholic Church’s worldwide synod, the deacons are missing

By Phyllis Zagano — July 21, 2023
(RNS) — Many if not most Catholics think women deacons are called for.

The US Catholic bishops’ spring meeting, or Clericalism 101

By Phyllis Zagano — June 16, 2023
(RNS) — Meeting in Florida, the bishops ignore a synod meant to listen to the people.

Anger management and guns

By Phyllis Zagano — May 18, 2023
(RNS) — Anger is clearly at the root of our mass shootings.

Looking for Easter 

By Phyllis Zagano — April 5, 2023
(RNS) — Where is the hope, the joy? Where is the Jesus everyone is singing about?
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