Commons:GLAMwiki Toolset
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GLAMwiki Toolset gör det möjligt för gallerier, bibliotek (libraries), arkiv och museer (GLAM-institutioner) att på ett enkelt sätt göra sitt digitala material tillgängligt för Wikipedia-användare och människor över hela världen. Det här verktyget låter GLAM-institutioner att ladda upp stora mängder digitala versioner av sina samlingar till Wikimedia Commons, Wikmedia-rörelsens gemensamma mediadatabas på nätet.
Tidigare har det varit svårt för GLAM-institutioner att ladda upp sina samlingar på Wikimedia Commons utan direkt stöd från en erfaren Wikimedia-användare. Med det nya GLAMwiki Toolset som utvecklats av Europeana kan GLAM-institutioner ladda upp förberedda batchar från sina samlingar direkt till Wikimedia Commons. Ingen ytterligare teknisk kunskap krävs.
GLAMwiki Toolset |
1,289,953 filer har laddats upp genom GLAMwiki Toolset (och fler tillkommer hela tiden!)
have been uploaded using the GLAMwiki Toolset (and growing every minute!)
Du kan hitta alla filer här: Category:GWToolset Batch Upload
- By 211 personer och organisationer (maj 2017)
- 27,217 av bilderna har använts i 67,450 Wikipedia-artiklar på massor av språk (april 2017)
- Totalt har de här artiklarna besökts 27,660,448 gånger i april 2017
- Exempel på filer som redan laddats upp med GLAMwiki Toolset (komplett lista av uppladdade projekt)
Eurasian Spoonbill (2011), Stichting Natuurbeelden collection
The White rabbit - from The Nursery Alice (1890), British Library collection
Piazza di Monte Citorio (1980s), Library of Congress collection
Ship salvaging the wreckage of the Tay Bridge (1880), National Library of Scotland collection
Portrait of actor Sawamura Sojuro III in the role of Kakogawa Honzo (1795), Rijksmuseum collection
Broome County Alms House, Binghamton, N.Y. (1876), New York Public Library collection
Couvent des Filles-de-la-Croix (1892), collection of the French Ministry of Culture
Art Blakey at the Umeå jazz festival (1979), Collection of the Swedish National Heritage Board
Instruktion för användning
To use the GLAMwiki Toolset you will need to prepare, test and upload.
Because of how versatile this tool is, there are several reasonably technical steps that need to be completed to make a successful upload. Because it is so powerful there are also special permissions required.
- Skapa ett användarkonto på Wikimedia Commons (den här sajten) och på Commons Beta. Den som ska använda kontot med GLAMwiki Toolset behöver ha kunskap om hur metadatan ska matchas med materialet som ska laddas upp. Det kan vara bra om de prenumererar på Wikimedia Commons mailinglista.
- Lägg in ett önskemål för "GWToolset userrigth" på Commons Beta (här). Efter att du testat att ladda upp på Commons Beta kan du be om samma användarrättigheter på vanliga Wikimedia Commons.
- Välj ut en onlinesamling av mediafiler som lämpar sig för Wikimedia Commons. Filerna ska vara under en öppen licens (t.ex. CC BY-SA, CC BY eller som helt fri från upphovsrätt), open-source-format (JPG, OGG, etc.) och de metadata som behövs, helst på engelska (behöver du hjälp att välja ut material?)
- Create a flat-XML file with all the relevant metadata for your chosen multimedia collection (want help producing this?)
- Create Wikimedia Commons Partnership and Institution templates (need advice on templates?)
- Investigate the appropriate Categories to add to the files in your upload (Need assistance choosing these?)
To test:
- We need to whitelist the domain you wish to upload from at a sysadmin level. You can achieve that by making a request via Phabricator. We generally process these changes soon, however, if you know you will need a whitelist change (for a workshop for example), ask the change at least one week before you need it, and include the deadline in the task, otherwise, we can't guarantee your request will be processed on time. Please document in your request:
- any attachment to a GLAM institute;
- the name of any trusted Commons user who endorse the change, if any;
- links to a relevant image gallery, or 3 independent images (with metadata, no deep link);
- if there is any emergency, please state so in the description and set the bug priority to high.
- Undertake a metadata detection and metadata mapping with the GLAMwiki Toolset (step by step screencast)
- Test your work by uploading to Commons Beta and see that it looks correct. On an average, it takes about 4 hours to upload 2000 images
For full documentation, read the user-manual.
Once your content is uploaded
Once your content is uploaded, it is ready for re-use. It would be a good idea to contact a local network of Wikimedians to use your content in Wikipedia articles and in other sister projects. Here you have a list of existing Wikimedia chapters.
The content will be stored in Wikimedia Foundation's servers. Wikimedia Foundation is a non-profit organisation that encourages content to be used by anyone in the world while respecting the particular licence of each file. Your content may be used to better illustrate hundreds of articles on Wikipedia, for instance.
Please contact us if you have any remarks or questions. Join can discuss issues on the commons-l email list, or contact one of the Toolset coordinators:
- Anyone on the list of current users of the tool
- Or your local chapters representatives
- If you a member of the Europeana Network there is specific assistance available for you.
Technical documentation
As hard as we have tried to make this tool easy to use, its power and flexibility means that it is not a simple 'one click' operation.
You can also view the software extension on, as well as its technical architecture and design.
The toolset has been developed in partnership with four national chapters of the Wikimedia movement (Wikimedia UK, Wikimedia Nederland, Wikimedia France and Wikimedia CH) and led by Europeana, Europe's digital library, museum and archive. Dan Entous was senior developer the tool.
To read about the development process and see the original project plans, visit GLAMwiki Toolset Project.
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GWToolset pocket overview, Wikimania 2014 by Fæ
This project initiation document outlines the goals of the project.
Slides from the Wikimania 2012 presentation on the GLAMwiki Toolset Project.
Report on requirements for usage and reuse statistics for GLAM content.
A video of a presentation given to introduce the project at GLAMcamp Amsterdam.