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This page is a translated version of a page Commons:Copyright tags/Country-specific tags and the translation is 86% complete. Changes to the translation template, respectively the source language can be submitted through Commons:Copyright tags/Country-specific tags and have to be approved by a translation administrator.
Outdated translations are marked like this.

特定國家/地區的許可標籤顯示了上傳到Wikimedia Commons的文件在其來源國家/地區處於公共領域的原因。如果文件是在美國境外創建或首次發布的,則另一個標籤應顯示其在美國的公共領域中的原因。根據作者的死亡日期、出版日期、作品類型、委託作品的組織等,文件可能在其來源國的公共領域中。

參見共享资源:各地著作权法规了解特定國家/地區的規則詳情。請參閱Category:License tags by country以獲取特定於國家/地區的許可證標籤的完整列表,包括公共領域、免費使用和描述性許可證標籤。

下面的列表提供了從頁面部分“嵌入”的信息,這些部分給出了特定於每個國家或地區的版權標籤。它可能不完整。United NationsEuropean Union也有標籤。


COM:TAG United Nations


  • {{PD-US-no notice-UN}}:作品摘自1987年9月17日之前在美國出版的聯合國官方文件。
  • {{PD-UN-doc}}:由聯合國出版,沒有版權聲明,被留在公共領域,以盡可能廣泛地傳播聯合國出版物中(包含)的想法。它屬於行政指示ST/AI/189/Add.9/Rev.2(第2段)中概述的以下類別之一:
    • 正式記錄(會議記錄、逐字記錄和簡要記錄、定期增補、決議彙編等)
    • 印有聯合國文件符號的聯合國文件
    • 主要旨在向公眾宣傳聯合國活動的公共信息材料(不包括出售的材料)
  • {{PD-UN-map}}:聯合國地圖。
  • {{PD-LN}}:國際聯盟的官方記錄,當聯盟於1946年解散時轉移到聯合國。


  • {{PD-AB-exempt}} for works that are not objects of copyright.

  • {{PD-Armenia}} – 創作70年後的匿名作品或假名作品、(最後倖存的)作者去世70年後的其他作品、傳統民俗和藝術的表達或政治演講 、在法庭上發表的演講或官方文件、法律行為、條約及其官方翻譯、國家標誌和標誌(旗幟、徽章、獎章、貨幣標誌)。
  • {{PD-AM-exempt}} – 民間文學作品;每日新聞或新聞時事通訊;官方文件(法律、決定、法令等)及其官方翻譯;國家標誌和標誌(旗幟、紋章(盔甲軸承)、獎章(裝飾品)、貨幣標誌等);在沒有人類創造性活動干預的情況下,通過技術手段獲得的結果。
  • {{President.am}} - 來自President.am的作品

COM:TAG Austria


  • {{PD-AustrianGov}} – for parts of laws, ordinances or official decrees issued by an Austrian federal or state authority and for works of those authorities intended predominantly for official use.
  • {{PD-StVZVO}} – for road signs published in ordinances or other regulations.

  • {{PD-AZ-exempt}} – for official documents (laws, court decisions, other texts of legislative, administrative or judicial character) and official translations thereof; State emblems and official signs (flags, armorial bearings, decorations, monetary signs and other State symbols and official signs); works of folklore, which have no signs of Article 5 of this law; communications concerning events and facts that have informational character.
  • {{President.az}} – The permission letter from the Press Secretary for the President of Azerbaijan is available here:
The are no restrictions on the full or partial use of textual, photographic, video and audio material featured on the official website of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan by the media outlets, internet resources and information carriers. This also applies to television channels, radio stations, newspapers, magazines, scientific publications and encyclopedias (including online encyclopedias).

All materials on the website are available under Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International license.

COM:TAG Bahrain


  • {{PD-Bahrain}} – for films 70 years from publication, for other works 70 years after the author's death.

  • {{PD-Bangladesh}} - for photographs and films 60 years starting from the end of the year it was produced; for other works 60 years after the death of the author, or last-surviving author.

  • {{PD-BY-exempt}} – for formal documents (laws, judgements, other texts of legal, administrative and judicial nature), and also their official translations; state symbols and signs (flag, coat of arms, anthem, awards, banknotes and other signs); works of folk arts, authors of which are not known.
  • {{PD-Belarus}} – for works 50 years after the author's (or last-surviving co-author) death or 50 years after the first legal publication of the work published under pseudonym or anonymously.

COM:TAG Belgium


  • {{PD-BH-exempt}} – for works exempt from copyright under Bosnia and Herzegovina law (“ideas, plans, …, official texts, …, professional reports, …” – see license template for details)

COM:TAG Brazil


Simplified flowchart for licensing in the context of Brazil
  • {{PD-BrazilGov}} – for works published or commissioned by a Brazilian government (federal, state, or municipal) prior to 1983, or the text of a treaty, convention, law, decree, regulation, judicial decision, or other official enactment.
  • {{PD-Brazil-Photo}} - Non-artistic photographs produced until 19 June 1998.
  • {{PD-Brazil-media}} – for Brazilian photographs and audiovisual works first published more than 70 years ago.
  • {{PD-Brazil-URAA}} – for Brazilian photographic works published/created before 1998, whose author died before 1936, or anonymous works published before 1936.
  • {{PD-BR-1935}} – for Brazilian audiovisual works created before 1936 that entered the public domain 60 years after creation.
  • {{Arquivo Nacional PD-license}} – for works preservated by the Brazilian National Archives.

See also Category:License tags attribution from Brazil, for example:

COM:TAG Brunei


  • {{PD-BG-exempt}} – for works exempt from copyright under Bulgaria law.
  • {{PD-BulgarianGov}} – for government works exempt from copyright under Bulgaria law.
  • {{PD-BGMFA}} — for works published on the website of the Bulgarian Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
  • {{President.bg}} — for works published on the website of the Administration of the President of the Republic of Bulgaria.

COM:TAG Cambodia


  • {{PD-Cambodia}} - Works where the (last surviving) author has been dead for over 50 years. Collective, anonymous, pseudonymous or collective audio-visual works 75 years after creation or publication.[2003 Article 30–31]
  • {{PD-CambodiaGov}} - ineligible for copyright because it is one of: "Constitution, Law, Royal Decree, Sub-Decree, ... other Regulation, ... Proclamation (Prakas), decision, certificate, other instructed circulars issued by state organizations" and "Court decision or other court warrants" including translations thereof or "Idea, formality, method of operation, concept, principle, discovery or mere data, even if expressed, described, explained or embodied in any work."[2003 Article 10]

COM:TAG Canada


  • {{PD-Canada}} – 用於政府圖像和其他50多年前首次出版的作品、1949年之前創作的照片以及作者已去世50多年的作品。
  • {{PD-Canada-stamp}} – 適用於50歲以上的郵票
  • {{PD-Canada-anon}} – 適用於作者或作者不詳,且自出版已過去50年或自創作以來已過去75年的作品
  • {{OGL-C}} 用於根據加拿大政府開放許可證發布的政府提供的信息。通常通過開放數據門戶https://open.canada.ca/en/open-data或geogratis門戶https://www.nrcan.gc.ca/topographic-information/10785
  • {{OGL-Alberta}}{{OGL-BC}}{{OGL-ON}}用於在省級政府的開放數據許可下發布的材料
  • {{StatCanOpen}}用於根據加拿大統計局公開許可證發布的材料。








  • {{PD-Colombia}} – generally 80 years after the author's death or 80 years after publication of audiovisual works, collective works and anonymous works. In all cases where a work has as its owner a legal entity or an official body or any institution under government public law, the term of protection shall be deemed to be 70 years as from the date of publication.

  • {{PD-Croatia-exempt}} – for works exempt from copyright under the Croatian law.
  • {{PD-Croatia}} – for works whose author died before 1949 or published before 1949 if anonymous (public domain prior to introduction of the new law in 1999).



  • {{PD-Cuba}} – for works made in Cuba whose copyright has expired.

  • {{PD-Democratic Republic of the Congo}} – for all anonymous or pseudonymous works published 50 years ago, or 50 years have passed since the death of the author, or it is a photograph and 25 years have passed since publication, or it is an "official act of authority" and ineligible for copyright protection.

COM:TAG Denmark


  • {{PD-Denmark}} – for "photographic works of art" in the public domain according to Danish law.
  • {{PD-Denmark50}} – for "photographic images not considered to display artistic merit or originality" that were created before 1 January 1970.
  • {{PD-DenmarkGov}} – for "acts, administrative orders, legal decisions and similar official documents," but not "works appearing as independent contributions in the [aforementioned] documents."
  • {{DGA map}} – for media in either full extent or partially based in Danish Geodata Agency open public geographic data. This tag does not preclude use of other copyright tags.
  • {{Statistics Denmark}} – for media in either full extent or partially based on information from Statistics Denmark. This tag does not preclude use of other copyright tags.
  • {{PD-DK-expired}} – for works where all authors have been dead for 70 years, which is the maximum amount of copyright allowed according to the 2023 law.

COM:TAG Djibouti


  • {{PD-Djibouti}} – 在吉布提製作的版權已過期的作品(作者去世後50年,或攝影作品創作後25年,請參閱模板中的詳細信息)。吉布提共和國是法屬索馬里蘭 (Côte française des Somalis) 和法屬阿法爾和伊薩斯領土的繼承國,這也適用於在這些領土上出版的作品。



  • {{PD-EE-exempt}} – copyright does not apply to works of folklore, legislation and administrative documents, court decisions and official translations thereof; official symbols of the state and insignia of organizations. Freedom of panorama in Estonia is restricted to non-commercial uses only, or to overview photos.

  • {{PD-Ethiopia}} – 版權期限通常為作者去世後50年,或視聽作品的製作或將所述作品向公眾傳播後的50年,以最晚者為準。 攝影作品的版權為作品製作之日起25年。[410/2004 Article 20/1,7,8]



  • {{PD-Fiji}} – for photographs at least 50 years after production.

COM:TAG Finland


  • {{PD-Finland50}} – for photographic simple images in the public domain according to Finnish law.
  • {{PD-Finland}} – for works of art (photographic included) in the public domain according to Finnish law. Same as {{PD-old-70}} for Finnish works.
  • {{PD-FinlandGov}} – for laws, statements and decisions of Finnish officials.

COM:TAG France


  • {{PD-France}} – Public domain because the author(s) died more than 70 years ago and did not benefit from any copyright extension, or it is an anonymous, pseudonymous or collective work and more than 70 years have passed since its publication, or it is the recording of an audiovisual or musical work already in the public domain, and more than 50 years have passed since the performance or the recording.
  • {{PD-Archivesnormandie}} – for pictures from the site Archives Normandie 1939-45. Pictures credited to the National Archives USA or the National Archives Canada and tagged "libres de droits" are in the public domain.
  • {{PD-JORF}} – for French official legal texts as published in the Journal officiel de la République Française or reprinted on Légifrance; note: not all texts on Légifrance are out-of-copyright, many others are copyrighted under free licenses, and sometimes under unfree licenses).
  • {{PD-JORF-nor-conso}} – with NOR (identification number) and index of the updated text.
  • {{PD-ID-France}} – Ineligible for copyright and therefore in the public domain because it is a legally valid French identity photograph.

COM:TAG Gambia


  • {{PD-GE-exempt}} – for official documents (laws, decisions of courts, other texts of administrative and normative character), as well as their official translations; official symbols of state (flag, emblem, anthem, award, monetary symbols, other official signs and symbols of state); information of events and facts.
  • {{PD-Georgia}} – for works first published in Georgia and now in the public domain because a copyright protection has expired by virtue of the Law of Georgia on Copyright and Neighboring Rights.

COM:TAG Germany


  • {{PD-GermanGov}} – for public domain images from German statutes or other regulations.
  • {{PD-BW}} – for publicly available service regulations ("Zentrale Dienstvorschrift") of the German Armed Forces (Bundeswehr).
  • {{PD-Coa-Germany}} – for German coats of arms of corporations governed by public law that are in the public domain according to German law because they are official works (§&5 Abs.1 UrhG).
  • {{PD-Flag-Germany}} – for German flags of corporations governed by public law that are in the public domain according to German law because they are official works (§5 Abs.1 UrhG).
  • {{PD-Seal-Germany}} – for German seals of corporations governed by public law that are in the public domain according to German law because they are official works (§5 Abs.1 UrhG).
  • {{PD-VzKat}} – for road signs published as statutes or other regulations.

COM:TAG Greece


  • {{PD-GreekGov}} – for images which are part of official legislative, administrative or judicial documents issued by the Greek Government.



  • {{PD-Haiti}} – General copyright protection last for 60 years.[2005 Article 20–24] Photographic works are protected for 25 years after the end of the year the work was created.[2005 Article 25]

COM:TAG Hong Kong


COM:TAG Hungary


  • {{PD-redsludge-hu}} – by photos taken by a staff photographer of the Hungarian Government and is part of the Ajka red sludge accident photo series
  • {{PD-user-hu|username}} – for works released into the public domain by their creators when the creators are Hungarian Wikipedia users.

COM:TAG Iceland




  • {{PD-India}} – 印度公共領域的圖像和聲音,匿名和政府作品以及其他一些類別首次出版年份結束後60年,前提是照片或錄音的主題也不受版權保護。 否則為作者死後60年的公共領域。
  • {{PD-India-photo-1958}} – 1958年之前創作的照片在創作50年後才進入公共領域。
  • {{PD-India-URAA}} – 適用於在美國屬於公有領域的作品,因為它首次在印度出版(並且在30天內未在美國出版)並且在1978年之前首次出版而沒有遵守 具有美國版權手續或在1978年之後沒有版權通知,並且在URAA日期1996年1月1日在其本國印度處於公共領域。
  • {{EdictGov-India}} – 適用於版權尚未過期的印度政府法令。受限制,這些包括法律、判決和立法機構會議桌上的報告。
  • {{Indian navy}} – 來自印度海軍的作品。
  • {{Indian Army}} – 來自印度軍隊的作品。
  • 印度政府的作品可以在{{GODL-India}}下上傳(僅限中央政府,不包括州政府)。(正在討論中,請參閱模板討論頁)。
  • {{PD-TamilGov}} – 在公有領域工作,因為它被泰米爾納德邦政府國有化並被釋放到公有領域。

  • {{PD-IDUnknown}} – 適用於根據第60條第(2)和(3)部分版權已過期的未知作者的作品



  • {{PD-Iran}} – 照片和電影的版權自出版或展示之日起持續30年。



  • {{PD-IrishGov}} – Irish government works are generally released to the public domain 50 years after creation.
  • {{PD-Ireland-anon}} – For works whose author remains unknown and at least 70 years have passed since it was available to the public.

COM:TAG Israel


  • {{PD-Israel}} – according to Israel's copyright law, works are released to the public domain 70 years after their author's death, starting from January 1st which occurs after the date of death. Photographs taken before May 2008 are released to the public domain 50 years after their creation, starting from January 1st which occurs after the day in which the photograph was taken. Photographs taken by a public authority (i.e. the government and its affiliated bodies) are released to public domain 50 years after their publication, starting from January 1st which occurs after the date of the first publication. According to the new Israeli copyright law, effective since May 2008, photographs are no longer an exception, and are released to the public domain 70 years after their photographer's death, unless taken by a public authority in which case the previous arrangement remains.
    • {{PD-IsraelGov}} – specific for the expiration of the State of Israel's copyrights (also included in the last section of {{tl:PD-Israel}})
  • {{Money-IL}} – for Israeli banknotes and coins.
  • {{Insignia-Israel}} – for flag, emblems, coats of arms or some other official symbol which were declared a protected symbol in Israel.
  • {{FoP-Israel}} - "Broadcasting, or copying by way of photography, drawing, sketch or similar visual description, of an architectural work, a work of sculpture or work of applied art, are permitted where the aforesaid work is permanently situated in a public place."



  • {{PD-Italy}} – for simple (non-artistic) photographs originating in Italy for which the copyright has expired.
  • {{PD-Italy-audio}} – for audio recording both created and published in Italy at least fifty years ago, of a work which is itself in the public domain.
  • For works where the author died at least seventy years ago, {{PD-old}} applies.
  • For anonymous or pseudonymous works published at least 70 years ago, use {{Anonymous-EU}}.
  • {{PD-Italy-EdictGov}} – for most edicts of the Italian government.
  • {{PD-ItalyGov}} – for works published by the Italian administration or by Italian nonprofit organisations.
  • {{Italy-CAD-OBD}} - for works published by any Italian administration without an explicit license.

  • {{PD-Cote d'Ivoire}} The copyright term is generally 70 years after the author's death or 70 years after publication.



  • {{PD-Japan-oldphoto}} – 適用於1956年12月31日之前發布的日本照片,或1946年之前拍攝且10年未發布的日本照片。
  • {{PD-Japan}} – 適用於創作者去世50年後的日本非攝影作品(有多個創作者,最後去世的創作者),或匿名或假名作者出版後50年。適用於作者在1968年之前去世的作品。
  • {{PD-Japan-film}} – 適用於1953年之前在日本製作的電影。
  • {{PD-Japan-organization}} – 出版50年後以組織/公司/公司名義的作品圖像。適用於1968年之前出版的以組織名義發表的作品。
  • {{PD-Japan-exempt}} – 適用於在日本不受版權保護的作品。
  • {{GJSTU1}} - 適用於根據日本政府標準使用條款(1.0版)在政府網站上提供的內容。
  • {{GJSTU-2.0}} - 適用於根據日本政府標準使用條款(2.0版)在政府網站上提供的內容;與CC BY 4.0兼容。


  • {{FoP-Japan}}可以添加到包含建築作品的圖片中,這在全景自由規則下是允許的,但應提供其他標籤以顯示圖片在日本和美國的版權狀態。
  • {{AerialPhotograph-mlitJP}} – 版權所有者,日本國土交通省,允許任何人將圖像用於任何目的,前提是版權持有者的姓名正確。

COM:TAG Jordan


  • {{PD-KZ-exempt}} – for official documents (laws, court decisions and other texts of a legislative, administrative, judicial or diplomatic nature) together with official translations thereof, state emblems and official signs (flags, armorial bearings, decorations, monetary signs and other State symbols and official signs), works of folklore, communications concerning events and facts that have an informational character.



  • {{PD-Kenya}} – for works whose author died more than 50 years ago (for photographs 50 years after first publication).

COM:TAG Kosovo


  • {{PD-KosovoGov}} – for public domain Kosovar official works, state symbols, stamps, money etc.

COM:TAG Kuwait


  • {{PD-Kuwait}} – photographs, films and two dimensional artistic works 50 years after publication, starting from the end of the publication year.

  • In general, {{PD-Kyrgyzstan}} applies.
  • {{PD-KG-exempt}} – for official documents (laws, resolutions, decisions, etc.) as well as official translations thereof; State emblems and official signs (flags, armorial bearings, orders, monetary signs and etc.); Works of folklore; Information on the news of the day or information on the current events that are of the common press-information character; The results obtained with the help of technical means for the production of a certain type without creative activity of a man directly targeted for creation of an individual work (as amended by Law #120 from November 6, 1999).

  • {{PD-LV-exempt}} – for official Latvian State symbols and insignia (flags, coats of arms, anthems, and awards).

COM:TAG Lebanon


  • {{PD-Lebanon}} – photos and two dimensional artistic works 50 years after publication, starting from the end of the publication year after which attribution is still required forever.
  • {{PD-Lebanon-Photo}}. Use this tag only for photos first published before 1949.



  • {{PD-Libya}} – photos 5 years starting from the date of first publication of the work.

  • {{PD-LT-exempt}} – for official Lithuanian State symbols and insignia (flags, coats-of-arms, anthems, banknote designs, and other State symbols and insignia).
  • {{PD-old-70}} – for works where the author died more than 70 years ago



COM:TAG Malawi


a) photographs after 25 years from the end of the year of first publication;
b) computer programs 10 years after the end of the year in which they were first sold, leased or licensed;
c) audio-visual works 50 years from the end of the year of first publication;
d) other works 50 years from the end of the year of the author's death.

  • {{PD-Mauritius}} – photographs 25 years after creation, audio-visual works 50 years after publication, other works 50 years after the author's death.

COM:TAG Mexico


  • {{PD-Mexico}} – 作者在1952年之前去世或政府工作超過100年。
  • {{PD-Coa-Mexico}} – 紋章。
  • {{PD-MX-exempt}} – 墨西哥政府或任何其他官方認可的組織的盾牌、旗幟或標誌。
  • {{PD-Mexico-NIP}} – 2006年4月之前在http://fuente.presidencia.gob.mx/上發布的所有信息。
  • {{LGACDMX}} - 在“cdmx.gob.mx”網站上發布的所有公開信息。

  • {{PD-MD-exempt}} – for official documents (laws, court decisions, etc.) or to the official translations thereof, state emblems and official signs (flags, armorial bearings, decorations, monetary signs, etc.), folklore expressions, daily news and facts of simple informational nature.
  • {{PD-Moldova}} – Moldovan or Soviet work first published in USSR or Moldova and in the public domain because its copyright has expired: photographic or cinematographic work and fifty years have passed since the year of its production, or another type of work and fifty years have passed since the year of the creator's death.

COM:TAG Mongolia


  • {{PD-Mongolia}} – applies to works first published in Mongolia: applied art 25 years after publication. Other works 50 years after the author's death. Anonymous and pseudonymous works and works created by legal persons 50 years after publication.
  • {{PD MN-exempt}} – for exemptions listed in the Not Protected section.[2006 Article 8]

  • {{PD-MNEGov}} – for public domain Montenegro official works
  • {{PD-SCGGov}} – for public domain Serbian-Montenegro official works, state symbols, stamps, money etc.

COM:TAG Morocco


  • {{PD-Morocco}} – All works are protected for 70 years after the author's death.
  • {{PD-Morocco-exempt}} – Works not subject to copyright under Article 8 of the Law No. 34‐05 on Copyright and Related Rights.
  • {{Data.gov.ma}} – Works published on Data.gov.ma, the government's open data portal

COM:TAG Myanmar


  • {{PD-Namibia}} – photos, films and computer programs 50 years after publication, starting from the end of the publication year. Other works 50 years after the author's death.



a) anonymous work or pseudonymous work – after 50 years from the date of its publication;
b) work created on payment of remuneration at the initiation or direction of any person or organization – 50 years from the date of its publication;
c) photographic work or work of applied art – 25 years from the year of its creation;
d) other work – 50 years from the year of death of the author (or last-surviving author)

As per the Nepal Copyright Act, 2002, any thought, religion, process, concept, principle, court judgement, administrative decision, methods of operation, folk song, folk tale, proverb and general data is not protected.[8/2002 Section 4]

COM:TAG Netherlands


  • {{PD-NL-gemeentewapen}} – for coats of arms of (no longer existing) municipalities, provinces and the country itself
  • {{PD-NL-gemeentevlag}} – for flags of (no longer existing) municipalities, provinces and the country itself
  • {{PD-NL-Gov}} (deprecated) – for all works communicated to the public by or on behalf of the public authorities (government), unless the copyright has been reserved explicitly, either in a general manner by law, decree or ordinance, or in a specific case by a notice on the work itself or at the communication to the public



  • {{PD-Niger}} – for works made in Niger whose copyright has expired
  • {{PD-NigerienGov}} – for works created by the Nigerien government that do not fall under copyright protection.

a) cinematograph films or photographs 50 years after first publication;
b) sound recordings 50 years after creation;
c) broadcasts 50 years after first taking place;
d) other works 70 years after author's death or in case of governmental or corporative authorship – 70 years after first publication.

a) works of folk literature and folk art
b) a work of known authorship and the author died before January 1, 1946
c) an anonymous work and it was published before January 1, 1946
d) a photograph or a work of applied art published before January 1, 1971

COM:TAG Norway


  • {{PD-Statens vegvesen}} – for Norwegian road signs from the website of the Norwegian Public Roads Administration (Statens vegvesen)[2]
  • {{PD-Norway50}} – Norwegian photos not considered to be "works of art" 50 years after they were created, provided that the author died more than 15 years ago or is unknown
  • {{PD-Norway70}} – Images considered to be "works of art" become public domain 70 years after the author's death or publication if the author is unknown.
  • {{PD-NorwayGov}} – part of a decision or a statement by an authority or a public body of Norway
  • {{Met.no}} – images without a byline from the Norwegian Meteorological Institute
  • {{NLOD}} - a licensing agreement public authorities can use when making public data available

  • {{PD-Ottoman}} – for works published in the Ottoman Empire, all of which are currently in the public domain.

  • {{PD-Pakistan}} – for public domain works first published in Pakistan. According to Pakistani copyright laws, all photographs enter the public domain fifty years after they were published, and all non-photographic works enter the public domain fifty years after the death of the creator.



  • {{PD-old-70}} - For works by authors who died more than 70 years ago if them were died since 1946.
  • {{PD-anon-expired}} - For anonymous works made public more than 95 years ago if this one was renewed on the URAA date.
  • {{PD-PE-exempt}} - For works exempt from copyright under Peruvian law. Including documents under the TUPA standard.
    • {{PD-PE-signs}} - For reproductions from Manual de Dispositivos de Control de Tránsito Automotor en Calles y Carreteras of road signals, a official document also exempt from copyright under Peruvian law.
    • {{PD-PE-insignia}} - For reproductions from official texts of official insignias (flags, coat of arms and logos), exempt from copyright under Peruvian law.
  • {{PD-PCP-SL}} - For works carried out by the Communist Party of Peru-Shining Path. Since it does not have rights to exploit its works outside the territorial legal framework as VRAEM and under an organization that is exempt from obtaining ownership of its works in Peruvian territory, according to the Law of Extinction of Property, the constitution and Art. 30 of DL 822: Indecopi is not legally permitted to protect their "copyright patrimonial rights" them under these criteria. It should be noted that the extinguishment of ownership applies to all "furniture", which in Article 886, paragraph 6 of the Civil Code (as 2018) includes as "furniture" "copyright patrimonial rights".
  • {{TOO-Peru}} - For non-original works like simple designs and logotypes.


Some Peruvian government or administrative entities works are published under free licenses:

  • According to this guide, except as otherwise indicated, works from Portal Nacional de Datos Abiertos (National Open Data Platform) or another interoperable open data platform are subject to templates: {{ODbL}} or {{PD-because|Per COM:Peru, the file from peruvian administrative acts on their Open Data platform is free of rights.}}.
  • Photographic works from Flickr account of the municipality of Miraflores are under CC-BY 2.5 PE. Tagged as {{CC-PE-MunicipalidadMirafloresFlickr}}.

Old works under 1961 law

For old works whose protection lasted until 1 January 1996 under Manuel Prado Copyright law of 1961 are PD in U.S. and Peru (before the repeal of the law in 23 May 1996 and URAA date):

  • {{PD-Peru-1961law}} - For peruvian authors died prior to 1946 (or that the rights were not inherited for those who died before 31 December 1965).
  • {{PD-Peru-organization}} - For peruvian government and juridical organizations works released prior to 31 December 1970.
  • {{PD-Peru-photo}} - For all non-individual photographs disclosed in Peru prior to 31 December 1975 (or created more than 70 years ago in 1996 law).
  • {{PD-Peru-anonymous}} for anonymous works prior to 31 December 1980 and no register the name of the author in Registro Nacional de Derecho de Autor 15 years following publication.

  • {{PD-Philippines}} – for public domain Philippine images whose copyrights expired or released into the public domain.
  • {{PD-PhilippinesGov}} – for works of the government of the Philippines exempted from copyright as stated by Republic Act No. 8293.
  • {{PD-PhilippinesPubDoc}} – for works that are derived from a public document, as stated at Section 175 of Republic Act. No. 8293.
  • {{WorkDepicted-PD-PhilippinesGov}} – for images that depict a work of the government of the Philippines exempted from copyright as stated by Republic Act No. 8293.

COM:TAG Poland


COM:TAG Portugal


  • {{PD-RO-exempt}} – for: (a) the ideas, theories, concepts, scientific discoveries, procedures, working methods, or mathematical concepts as such and inventions, contained in a work, whatever the manner of the adoption, writing, explanation or expression thereof; (b) official texts of a political, legislative, administrative or judicial nature, and official translations thereof; (c) official symbols of the State, public authorities and organizations, such as armorial bearings, seals, flags, emblems, shields, badges and medals; (d) means of payment; (e) news and press information; (f) simple facts and data; (g) the photographs of letters, deeds, documents of any kind, technical drawings and other similar papers.
  • {{PD-RO-photo}} – for: (a) photographs series taken before 1986; (b) photographs taken before 1991.
  • {{PD-RO-1956}} – for: (a) encyclopedias, dictionaries, corpora issued before 1976; (b) artistic photographs series taken before 1986; (c) artistic photographs taken before 1991.
  • {{PD-Romania}} – for: works which have expired in Romania prior to 1996 (usually prior to 1946) under the terms specified in the 1956 law
  • {{PD-user-ro|username}} – for works released into the public domain by their creators when the creators are Romanian Wikipedia users.

COM:TAG Russia



参见:PD Russia license tags

自2008年1月1日起,知識產權受2006年俄羅斯法律230-FL:民法典第四部分以及俄羅斯法律231-FL 2006年:民法典第四部分實施法案。這部新法律取代了俄羅斯以前的所有知識產權法。

  • 一般而言,{{PD-Russia}}適用
  • {{PD-RusEmpire}}用于1917年11月7日前在俄罗斯帝国(或俄罗斯共和国)领土(除了芬兰大公馆和波兰国徽)出版,并且首次出版之后30天内没有在苏联俄国再次出版的作品。
  • {{PD-Russia-1996}}——此作品在俄羅斯和美國都屬於公共領域,因為:
    • 作者于1942年1月1日前去世。
    • 作者于1942年1月1日~1946年1月1日间去世,作品并非在伟大的卫国战争(第二次世界大战期间苏德东部战线战争)期间制作,且作者并未参与战争。
    • 作品最初于1943年1月1日前匿名发表,或以笔名出版,且作者姓名在出版后50年间未知。
    • 作品最初于1943年1月1日~1946年1月1日间匿名发表,或以笔名发表,且作者姓名在出版后70年间未知。
    • 作品是非业余电影或电视剧(或其拍摄过程或片段),于1929年1月1日~1946年1月1日间首次放映。
  • {{PD-RU-exempt}}用于俄罗斯联邦的国家象征及官方标志(旗帜、纹章、装饰图案、货币符号及其他国家象征和官方符号)。
  • {{PD-Brockhaus&Efron}}——用于出自《Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary》(1890-1907)的图片。



  • {{PD-SerbiaGov}} – for public domain Serbian official works, state symbols, money etc.
  • {{PD-Serbia}} – for works whose author died before 1954 or published before 1954 if anonymous (public domain prior to introduction of the new law in 2004)
  • {{PD-SCGGov}} – for public domain Serbian-Montenegro official works, state symbols, money etc.

a) photographs and films 25 years after first publication;
b) sound recordings 25 years after creation;
c) literary, musical or artistic works other than photographs 25 years after the author's death.

  • {{FoP-Singapore}} – 根據新加坡的全景自由規則可能是免費的作品。還需要免費許可證或公共領域標籤。

  • {{PD-SlovakGov}} – for public domain Slovak official works, public documents, etc.

  • {{PD-Slovenia}} – for works whose author died before 1954 or published before 1954 if anonymous (public domain prior to introduction of the new law in 1995).
  • {{PD-Slovenia-exempt}} – for non-protected creations in Slovenia (ideas, principles, discoveries; official legislative, administrative and judicial texts; folk literary and artistic creations.)

COM:TAG Somalia


  • {{PD-SAGov}} – Work of the South African Government that was published more than 50 years ago.



  • {{PD-Spain-photo}} – for simple photographs taken at least 25 years ago
  • {{PD-SpanishGov}} – for some works by the Spanish government, like laws
  • {{PD-SpanishGov-money}} - for images of the former Spanish pesetas currency
  • {{PD-La Moncloa}} – for content from www.lamoncloa.gob.es which was selected or coordinated by the Secretary of State for Communications (only valid for images uploaded before 26 November 2012)
  • {{Attribution-Catalonia}} – for content from the Parliament of Catalonia (Parlament de Catalunya)
  • {{Attribution-IGN}} - for CC-BY 4.0 licensed maps or other content from Instituto Geográfico Nacional (Spain's National Geographic Institute)



COM:TAG Sweden


  • {{PD-Sweden-photo}}for images taken by unknown Swedish photographers before 1954 and for public domain photographic images, not photographic work, of Swedish origin taken before 1974
  • {{PD-Transportstyrelsen}}for Swedish road signs from the website of the Swedish Transport Agency.[4]
  • {{PD-Ugglan}}for images from the 2nd edition of Nordisk familjebok (Sweden, 1904–1926)
  • {{PD-Nordens Flora}}for images from Nordens Flora (Sweden, Author: C. A. M. Lindman, 1917–1926).
  • {{PD-SFJ}}for images from Svenska Familj-Journalen (1864–1887)
  • {{PD-Sjöfartsverket}}for Swedish maritime fairway sign produced by the Swedish Maritime Administration.[5]
  • {{PD-Sweden-URL9}}

for reproductions of law, decision, or report issued by a Swedish public authority (svensk myndighet) or an official translation of such a text.

COM:TAG Switzerland


In Switzerland copyright protection expires 70 years after the death of the author with the exception of computer programs, the protection of which ends 50 years after the death of the author.



  • {{PD-Syria}} – Under the 2001 law, photographic work was protected for 10 years starting from the production date. As Syria Joined Berne Convention on November 2004, photographic works produced starting from 1994 should be protected for 25 years starting from the production date (minimum protection period set by Berne Convention). Under the 2013 law, protection is for the author's life + 50 years. Photographic work produced before 1994 is public domain.

  • {{PD-TJ-exempt}} – for formal documents (laws, judgements, other texts of legal, administrative and judicial nature), and also their official translations; state symbols and signs (flags, coats of arms, awards, banknotes and so on); communications concerning events and facts that have informational character; works of folk arts

COM:TAG Thailand


  • {{PD-Thailand}} – for works from Thailand, which have different copyright terms depending on type, usually 50 years after the creator's death or 50 years after publication.
  • {{PD-TH-exempt}} – for works ineligible for copyright in Thailand, including laws and official government documents.


The Tunisian law n°94-36 of February 24, 1994 on literary and artistic property stipulates that:

  • Copyright shall subsist for the lifetime of the author and for 50 Gregorian years counted from January 1 of the year following the author's death…
  • In the case of works of joint authorship, the date of the death of the last surviving author…
  • In the case of anonymous or pseudonymous works, copyright shall subsist for 50 years as from the date on which the work has been lawfully made available to the public…
  • In the case of photographic works, copyright shall only subsist for 25 Gregorian years as from the year during which the work was made.

COM:TAG Turkey


COM:TAG Uganda


  • {{PD-Uganda}} – for works meeting one of the following criteria:
a) photographic works 50 years after creation;
b) computer programs, audio-visual works or sound recordings 50 years after publication
c) literary, musical or artistic works published before January 1st, 1954, whose author died before Jan 1st, 2004;
d) other works 50 years after the author's death.

COM:TAG Ukraine


  • {{PD-Ukraine}} is in effect towards works first published before January 1, 1951, and the creator (if known) died before that date). This is the effect of the retroactive Ukrainian copyright law of 1993 and the copyright from 50 to 70 years in 2001.). The final conclusion is #.4 in Chapter VI Ukrainian Copyright Law:

#.4. It shall be established that as from the day on which this Law enters into force, the terms of copyright protection, stipulated in Article 28 of this Law and parts 1 and 2 of Article 44 of this Law, shall apply in all cases where the 50-year period of copyright validity after the author's death or the period of validity of related rights has not expired prior to the date of entry into force of this Law.

A Ukrainian or Soviet work that is in the public domain in Ukraine according to this rule is in the public domain in the U.S. only if it was in the public domain in Ukraine in 1995, e.g. if it was published before 1945 and the creator died before that year, and no copyright was registered in the U.S. This is the combined effect of the retroactive Ukrainian copyright law, Ukraine's joining the Berne Convention in 1995, and of 17 USC 104A with its critical date of January 1, 1996.[6]

  • {{PD-UA-exempt}} for daily news or details of current events that constitute regular press information; works of folk art (folklore); official documents of a political, legislative or administrative nature (laws, decrees, resolutions, court awards, State standards, etc.) issued by government authorities within their powers, and official translations thereof; State symbols of Ukraine, government awards; symbols and signs of government authorities, the Armed Forces of Ukraine and other military formations; symbols of territorial communities; symbols and signs of enterprises, institutions and organizations; bank notes; transport schedules, TV and radio broadcast schedules, telephone directories and other similar databases that do not meet the originality criteria and to which the sui generis right (a particular or special right) is applicable. Also for representation of an civil award or decoration of the government of Ukraine.
  • {{PD-UAGovDoc}} for official documents of a political, legislative or administrative nature (laws, decrees, resolutions, court awards, State standards, etc.) issued by government authorities within their powers, and official translations thereof.
  • {{PD-UAGov-Money}} for unit of currencies issued by Ukraine.
  • {{PD-UAexMilitary}} for works of a Ukrainian military or Ministry of Defense if it is symbol or sign of government authorities, the Armed Forces of Ukraine and other military formations.

  • {{PD-UK-unknown}} – 版權已過期的未知作者的舊英國圖像
  • {{PD-UKGov}} – 版權已過期的英國皇冠版權圖片(通常是在1974之前創作的作品)
    • {{OldOS}} – 50多年前在英國出版的軍械測量圖。
    • {{OS OpenData}} – 在英國出版的軍械測量地圖。

英國的開放政府許可證(OGL)(以英語或威爾士語查看)是一套簡單的條款和條件,有助於免費重複使用廣泛的公共部門信息。 自2010年以來,幾乎所有英國皇家擁有的信息都根據開放政府許可證提供使用和重複使用。該許可證也被其他機構使用,包括地方政府。


参见#US States and Territories


  • {{PD-USGov}}——对于美国联邦政府创作,且不属于版权保护范围的图片。
Judicial Branch



















参见:Commons:Library of Congress



  • {{PD-USGov}} – 也用於由W:Unorganized territories(例如美屬薩摩亞)政府創建的作品,因為它們被視為美國聯邦政府的一部分,因此他們的作品沒有版權。[7][8]有組織領土的工作地位不太明確;this section中的第一個鏈接顯示了強有力的證據表明波多黎各的作品屬於公共領域,而第二個鏈接則推諉。旗幟和國徽似乎遵循與美國相同的法律。[9]

American Samoa

COM:TAG Uruguay


  • {{PD-Uruguay}} – for works in the public domain because their copyright has expired (70 years after the author's death).
  • {{PD-Uruguay-anon}} – for anonymous works published more than 70 years ago.

  • {{PD-UZ-exempt}} – for official documents (law, resolutions, decisions, etc.) as well as their official translations; official symbols and signs (flags, arms, orders, banknotes, etc.); national creative works; reports about the news of the day or current events having the nature of usual press conference; results received with help of equipment designed for some kind of production without the person's implementation of creative activity directly associated with the creation of individual work.[LRU-476/2018 Article 8]
  • {{PD-Uzbekistan}} – for works in the public domain according to Uzbekistanian law (70 years after the author's death).[LRU-476/2021 Article 35]

  • {{PD-Venezuela}} – generally 60 years after the author's death with the exception of audiovisual works, broadcast works and computer programs, in which case the protection lasts for 60 years after publication.
  • {{PD-VenezuelaGov}} – for the "texts of laws, decrees, official regulations, public treaties, judicial decisions and other official acts", and the "intellectual products generated under an employment relationship in the public sector — or financed through public funds".

COM:TAG Vietnam


  • {{PD-Vietnam}}——所有照片在首次發表五十年後進入公共領域,所有非攝影作品在創作者去世五十年後進入公共領域。
  • {{PD-VietnamGov}} – for legal text documents, administrative text documents by the government and official translations, as well as other documents mentioned in the Not protected section. Do not use this for images and logos.
  • {{PD-South VietnamGov}}—越南社會主義共和國政府堅持認為,在1945年9月2日至1976年7月2日期間,只有越南民主共和國和南越共和國是合法政府,並且看到競爭對手發行的作品政府視為非法。



  • {{PD-Yemen}} – details are provided by the template. This also applies to old works published in the former states of Aden Settlement, Aden Province, Aden Colony, Aden Protectorate, the Federation of South Arabia and the People's Republic of Yemen, as Yemen is the successor state of these states.

For more information about Yugoslav copyright laws, see sh:Wikipedia:Autorska prava na području bivše Jugoslavije on the Serbo-Croatian Wikipedia.

  • {{PD-Zimbabwe}} – photographs 50 years starting from the end of publication year, other works 50 years starting from the end of the year, in which the author died.


Some citation text may not have been transcluded
  1. Cite error: Invalid <ref> tag; no text was provided for refs named Doria
  2. Cite error: Invalid <ref> tag; no text was provided for refs named Statensvegvesen
  3. Cite error: Invalid <ref> tag; no text was provided for refs named norskekirke
  4. Cite error: Invalid <ref> tag; no text was provided for refs named Transportstyrelsen
  5. Cite error: Invalid <ref> tag; no text was provided for refs named Sjöfartsverket
  6. Cite error: Invalid <ref> tag; no text was provided for refs named USGov104a
  7. Compendium II: Copyright Office Practices, § 1102.08(b)
  8. W:Compendium II: Copyright Office Practices, § 206.02(e)
  9. Ley Núm. 70 de 2006 -Ley para disponer la oficialidad de la bandera y el escudo de los setenta y ocho (78) municipios. (in es). LexJuris (Leyes y Jurisprudencia) de Puerto Rico. Retrieved on 24 September 2020.